About Me

Hey there! My name’s Glenn Leader, and I used to live in East London, just a 15-minute walk away from the Olympic Park during the London 2012 Summer Games. These days, I’m back in my hometown of Orpington, Kent, which I absolutely adore.

I was born in 1956, so that makes me 66 years young as of today. I’m a single dad to two amazing grown-up kids, and I’m also a proud grandparent to three super cute and fantastic young people. Unfortunately, they live quite far away – about 200 miles up north with my daughter Judi and her partner – so I don’t get to see them as often as I’d like.

On the bright side, my son Marc lives with me at home, so I always have some company.

So, a bit about me. It’s funny how it took over 25 years for me to realise that my job satisfaction comes from helping people solve their technical problems. I mean, I should have figured that out earlier, right?

Anyways, I spent 14 years as a Senior Laboratory Technician, focusing on Physics, Technology and computer control for the local Education Department. Following that, I worked as a Senior ICT Support Engineer for the same authority for an additional 10 years. Unfortunately, my job was made redundant in 2004, which forced me to re-evaluate my life and career choices.

I came to the conclusion that I never wanted to work for another boss again – I wanted to work for myself, and the only way to guarantee that is to become my own boss. Although, I must admit, sometimes I do question that decision!

So, over the past few years, I’ve been pretty busy developing a total of six products, with one more currently in the pipeline. My very first product, Keyword Evolution Pro, was a real success. It’s a keyword manipulation tool that’s proven to be so effective that many of my users who own lots of keyword tools now use KEPro for almost every project.

And now, I’m considering developing an online version of Keyword Evolution Pro, which could potentially become a bonus for Star Chamber members. It’s still in the planning phase, but I think it could be a really valuable tool that many people would find useful.

Ah, yes – my second product. It’s called SLOBS – Smart Legitimate Original Blogging Strategy. It’s a pretty straightforward system for organically posting complete fresh new articles to blogs.

I think it’s a really valuable tool for anyone who wants to keep their blog content up-to-date without having to spend a ton of time and effort on it. And since it’s all about obtaining free original content, it’s a great way to build your authority and reputation in your niche.

After that, I created ArtiFact – a content rewriting system that can output high quality articles (provided you enter high quality information) with millions of unique variations. In fact, tests have shown that ArtiFact can produce upwards of 70% unique, human-readable articles. And in some cases, there was 100% uniqueness – which is pretty impressive, if you ask me.

Then, I developed SAW – which stands for Simple Article Websites. I created this tool because I wanted a really easy and straightforward way to create websites out of text articles. And since I can use ArtiFact to create all the Keyword Rich Content I’ll ever need, it seemed like a natural tool to use. Of course, SAW can also use PLR articles, so it’s really versatile.

And finally, I developed the desktop version of ArtiFact. It’s actually easier to use than the online version, although it’s not quite as powerful. But to be honest, most people couldn’t even use all the extra power that the online version provided, so I figured a more user-friendly desktop version was the way to go.

My latest product is called GLACÉ (pronounced “Gla-say”). It was initially developed to add content and value to Traffic Equalizer output, but it’s since grown into a very powerful content manipulation system in its own right. I’m really excited about its potential, and I think it’s going to be a game-changer for anyone who wants to create high-quality content quickly and easily.

No Guts, No Glory

This is a great message and an inspiring example of how to turn your skills and expertise into a successful business. It’s true that many people have great ideas but never take action to turn them into a reality. Taking that first step can be scary, but it’s important to remember that you don’t have to start with a perfect product. In fact, it’s often better to launch something that’s good enough and get feedback from your users so that you can improve it over time.

It’s also important to be resourceful and not let a lack of resources stop you from pursuing your goals. As you mentioned, there are often ways to overcome hurdles and find the resources you need, whether it’s through borrowing, collaborating with others, or simply making the most of the tools and resources that are available to you.

Overall, this is a great message of encouragement for anyone who has a dream or an idea that they want to turn into a reality. With perseverance, hard work, and a willingness to be resourceful and adaptable, it’s possible to turn your vision into a successful business or project.

As Nike says… Just Do It!

Thanks for taking the time to read a bit about me. If you have any questions or comments, I’d love to hear from you! Just drop them in the comments section below. Just so you know, all comments are moderated before they’re published.


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